
Travel Calculators
Airlines, Hotels and Car Rentals
- Best Fares -- Discount airline fares, hotels and car rentals.
- Expedia -- Microsoft's airline, hotel, car rental and cruise fares and reservations.
- Priceline -- Airline, hotel and car rental fares and reservations.
- Smooth Hound Systems -- Searchable database of hotels and B&B's in Great Britain (England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland), with room rates and bookings.
Travel Documents
- Applying for Your U.S. Passport the Easy Way -- "The Department of State's Bureau of Consular Affairs has prepared this publication to assist you in applying for your U.S. passport. This guide provides information on how, when and where to apply for your passport."
- Travco -- Passport, visa and tourist card services.
- Travel Document Systems -- Passport and visa processing services. Also includes links to travel advisories, health and vaccination requirements.
- Travisa.com -- Passport and visa processing services.
Time, Weather and Money
- Standard World Timezone Map -- World map shows the 24 time zones and current time in each.
- Accuweather -- Local, regional, national and world weather. Over 43,000 U.S. 5-day forecasts and links to international forecasts.
- Intellicast -- International weather by region (Africa, Asia, Canada, Caribbean, Central America, Europe, Middle East, Oceania, South America, United States), country and city. Includes 4-day forecasts and satellite imagery.
- Oanda: the Currency Site -- "Historical tables, current rates and forecasts for world currencies." Includes several forms of currency converters and tools.
Health and Advisory Information
- Bureau of Consular Affairs -- Travel warnings, services for Americans abroad, travel publications, passport information, visa services, etc., from the U. S. State Dept.
- Travel Health Online -- Provides health and safety profiles by country (e.g., health precautions, disease risks, official health data, current helath concerns, and State Department advisories) and travel medicine providers.
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