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Online Libraries  

The Internet Public Library -- The Library is hosted by the School of Information at the University of Michigan, and contains collections of subject matter reference material, exhibits, librarian resources, magazines and serials (over 3000 titles), online newspapers from around the world, online texts (over 17,000 titles), and more.

The Library of Congress -- The Library's online site contains global collections covering "all languages, topics, and types of materials", a comprehensive federal legislative information site, an American history collection that contains "more than 5 million items relating to American history", the Copyright Office forms and information, a history site designed for children, an electronic magazine of the Library, and an online presentation of many of the exhibitions held at the library.

LibrarySpot -- LibrarySpot has links to libraries, reference tools, periodicals and more. You can find "... libraries by type, acronyms, current events, dictionaries, encylopedias, maps, public records, quotations, statistics, thesauri, books, magazines, newspapers, headlines, speeches, library associations, conferences and more."

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